Church fills up pews for Organ Concert

Finding it hard to get an organist to play at your church? Below is how a small church got five organists to play at their pipe organ rededication concert AND filled up all of its pews! Click on this link to learn more Strongsville UCC Need to energize music & worship in your congregation? We… Continue reading Church fills up pews for Organ Concert

Pipe Organs that will Blow You Away!

Of course pipe organs are finely tuned instruments that are capable of complementing any piece of music, from Beethoven to Bach. Around for hundreds of years, these instruments are the backbone of parishes, concert halls, and even school music programs. However, what you may look past is the sheer beauty and size of these magnificent… Continue reading Pipe Organs that will Blow You Away!

Composing Organ for Film

Musical score with quill pen, ink pot and quill pen nib

Brad Vogel is an Organ Performance Major at Baldwin Wallace University. Brad was kind enough to sit down with interviewer Tessa Louche to discuss his music career. Tessa: So you’re an organ major. What is your secondary instrument? Brad: Yes, I’m an organ performance major in addition to composition. My secondary is Piano. T: What… Continue reading Composing Organ for Film