Computer Aided Design & Building a Swell Enclosure

Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computer-based software to produce designs. It is frequently used by different types of engineers and designers. The software can be utilized to develop two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models.

Just as with any element of a pipe organ, the construction of a swell box requires skill and precision. Before we could begin building this customized swell box, we enlisted our design/mechanical engineer to create technical drawings to ensure its accuracy in structure and function.

How many pages of CAD does it take to build a swell box? Well, to the right are just a few of the 99 pages of CAD that we implemented for our customized swell box. Nicholas K., design/mechanical engineer, shares his experience in developing these unique computer-aided designs.

Within St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church (Hubbard, OH), 25 contractors are currently working on site to collectively rebuild the church from the damage of the fire. Because every pipe organ is uniquely made to the fit the structure and acoustics of its home, the use of the CAD became paramount for everyone participating in the rebuild – of both the church and the pipe organ.

The computer aided design served as a blueprint for the contractors to consider during their reconstruction. It’s use  saved everyone time, money, and resources. For instance, the upper frame of the Swell Enclosure had to be correctly aligned with a fixed beam of the roof of the church which was aided with CAD.  OR if a wall had been constructed where the wind chest is to be installed, then it would have to be torn down; resulting in the loss of time and material.

Thus, CAD has been a critically useful tool, providing an objective framework for reference for effective communication between contractors of various trades.  The use of CAD for modeling pipe organs is an emerging practice, soon we will be using Virtual or Alternate Reality in pipe organ construction.  Until then, here are a a few links that may peak your interest. Be sure to bookmark this page to return for more CAD as we rebuild the fire-struck instrument for St. Patrick Catholic Church.

“How to Build a Portative Organ”

“Homemade Pipe Organ” by Raphi Giangiulio

Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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