Pipe Organs: Millennials to Generation Z

It’s said that the world’s oldest pipe organ resides in Sion, Switzerland built around 1435, that’s almost 600 years of pipe organs! Even with a rich and long history, the industry still has an abundance of youthful energy. Throughout the years of Leek Pipe Organ Company, we have been touched and inspired by these young lives that have contributed to our work.

Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

Get a Custom Assessment


Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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We help churches create livestream services that look and sound great so those watching feel like they are in the building.