Blanchard Pipe Organ Console Close Up

Sturdy Blanchard Pipe Organ For Sale (Posted Dec 2018)

“And though she be but little, she is Fierce!”

Built in 1970 by Blanchard Pipe Organ, this well-loved organ offers clear tone and is voiced for fullness and richness. The organ is in very good condition, having recently benefited from minor restoration work done to the bellows performed by Leek Pipe Organ. 

This organ offers a beautifully rich and versatile tonal gamut for accompaniment purposes to a small or midsize congregation. This could also serve as the backbone for an expanded organ, with the addition of a few reed ranks and an expanded pedal division, this organ could easily be expanded to serve a larger congregation and offer even more versatile tonal employment.

The organ resides in a chamber in the sanctuary wall, the swell division sitting behind the great, and the facade consisting entirely of speaking pipes. The two manual console, with one small additional keyboard for the chimes, has a synthetic veneer covering in oak with a walnut finish. The veneer trim on the console needs minor repair, along with minor refinishing to be done on the oak organ bench.

The church is seeking to sell the instrument quickly. The proceeds of the sale will be used for church renovation projects and specifically a baptismal font. Asking price $8,000.00 or best offer.

Click here for a 2018 Inspection Report  Contact us at 440-775-4111 to schedule a viewing (serious prospects) . Listen to select ranks of this instrument below:


Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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