Principal 16′ Pipe Rank Reinstalled

Repair of Bending Metal Pipes in Pipe Organs by James Leek 10.20.18

Main causes that lead to pipe metal bending
a. Forces of Gravity
b. Original builder selected, pipe metal is of poor quality
c. Lack or incorrect placement of racking supports in pipe organ design phase

Bending and/or collapsing Pipes may be repaired as follows:

a. Racking
Racking is custom built wood &/or metal supports in key locations on the wind chest/chamber that help to relieve the gravitational pressures on stress points of a bending pipe.

b. Pipe Repair & Voicing
Reinforcing toes
Installing liners
Replacing pipes in sections i.e. cutting damaged sections & soldering new pieces of metal where the pipes have lost shape
New sleeves
Pipes that are cut will need to be re-voiced

c. Replace severely bent pipes with brand new pipe and voice new pipe to integrate to instruments other pipes/ranks

To see more photographs from this project, click here.


Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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