Technician Owen Rasmussen wiring the pipe organ pedal board on site

Pipe Organ Pedal and Keyboard Rebuild

Every component of your pipe organ serves its own purpose and is certainly important, but your organ’s pedal boards and keyboards are undoubtedly essential components in the functioning of the instrument. Of all the various parts of your organ, these components also happen to receive the most wear and tear, making restoration of the pedal and keyboards necessary at some point or another.

The console is main messaging control system of the instrument.  It is often also a visible asset  in most church sanctuary in addition to the altar, the piano, lectern, the stained glass etc.. Sprucing up the console’s aesthetics can have a visible/measurable impact on raising awareness and interest in the instrument among members of the congregation.   

How can I tell if my organ’s pedal and keyboards need repaired?

In order to solve a problem that you are experiencing with your pipe organ and maintain the instrument’s great condition, it is imperative that you are able to recognize and address these issues when they occur. Some of the most noticeable signs that your organ’s pedal and keyboards are becoming worn out are “when the pedal boards … become noisy and the keys on the keyboard seem uneven”.


New keyboard contacts (Leek Pipe Organ Co.)

What types of repairs are involved in pedal and keyboard restoration?

Some of the repairs that you can expect from an organ repair company would be adjustments of the spring tensions, re-felting, adding new silver to the key contact plates, and polishing or replacing wooden parts that have been worn down, among other possible repairs. These repairs will ensure that your instrument can function properly again and remain in great condition!


New pedal board contacts (Leek Pipe Organ Co.)

So, if you are an organist who is experiencing any of these issues with your organ’s pedal and keyboards, it may be time to start thinking about getting repairs done. These problems are easily fixed, but first you must get in contact with a pipe organ repair company that offers these services and has experience in making these repairs. Once you have addressed the issues and contacted a company, your instrument will be back in tip-top shape in no time!  

Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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