Ebony and Ivory keys of pipe organ console

Organ Performance Students – Insider Tips

The struggles of playing an instrument the size of a studio apartment…

1. You feel like the only music performance major whose instrument isn’t even remotely portable. You can’t put it in your backpack or a case or your car or even a storage room.

2. Your mom’s co-worker’s friend’s cousin is always asking you to play at their church function, but you don’t mind. You love playing and you always get free food when you play at the events.

3. You always have to make your Google searches about organs specific or you end of with pictures or hearts. “Oh no, I didn’t want to see a human heart today.”

4. You love it  and you can see yourself playing the pipe organ for a long time and being one of those old people telling stories about that “one time you were playing” at an event.

5. Your Instagram is full of pictures of churches from other countries and the pictures are always on point. By playing such a beautiful instrument like the pipe organ, you want to show it off, right?

Comment below with another tidbit that’s unique to a pipe organ performance student.

Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly – we can help with a custom assessment.

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